About Us
About Us
We often saw a lot of talented but poor people, are cornered to the hole, for their whole lives without even realizing their asset and potential to bring up their family status over the top to the next level. Mostly women are being pushed into this kind of scenario because of their social and economic status. Having so much of potential and talents, why should they need to live a hard life ? And there, we entered. We took a pledge to uplift the small scale and local business, young talented people, traditional handicrafts and arts and women entrepreneurs. So we thought to work for talented entrepreneurs to get the economic opportunities and also bring their creativity and to explore their reach of products to the outside world.
Our mission is to help the manufacturers and sellers to grow their business and also the consumers, they are going to serve on. Mother nature has the potential to give equal treatment to spread her resources to the every mankind analyzing the need. Following her path, we envision that our strategy and aim will reach the people from all the countries in the world, by strengthening the ties between sellers and buyers.
To work on the line on people getting adopted to sustainable and eco friendly products , which are good for their lives as well as to our future world.